About me
Halló, I am a geologist from the Faroe Islands, currently based in Copenhagen Denmark. Until recently I’ve been employed as a PhD-student at the University of Copenhagen. During my stay I implemented new data reduction schemes for the mass spectrometry lab (TIMS), and established methods for trace metal analysis in geological samples using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS, Bruker Aurora Elite), and was involved in method development for laser ablation ICP-MS in a newly established laboratory (Teledyne CETAC Analyte Excite coupled with Agilent 7900 ICP-MS). Seeking to use my curiosity and scientific background to optimise work-flows.
Laboratory Internship
Department of Geoscience and Natural Resource Management, University of Copenhagen
Method development and evaluation for carbon-sulfur analyses in shales and carbonates. Geostatistical work on isotope and geochemical data for spatially sourced samples. May-Aug 2021, full time
Teaching Assistant
Department of Geoscience and Natural Resource Management, University of Copenhagen
Hosting practical exercises and evaluating weekly mandatory assignments, undergraduate course in structural geology (3rd year). Spring 2013, 2014 & 2015, 10-15 hours weekly
Lab assistant
Department of Reservoir Geology, Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS)
Quality estimation of geochemical data from North-Sea drill cores; sample preparation for thin-sections, chips for scanning electron microscope (SEM), x-ray diffraction, porosity/permeability etc.; implementation of automatic grain size determination using petrographic microscope, and processing in ImageJ, Python and Microsoft Excel Macros (Visual Basic). Aug 2013 - Sep 2015, 10 hours weekly
Summer internships
Geological Survey of the Faroe Islands (Jarðfeingi)
Assistance with development of geology teaching tools for secondary school; geotechnical mapping of a water-supply tunnel; modeling of geological horizons from peripheral geographical coordinates; sourcing and integration of metadata for bathymetric data for The European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet) repository; description and logging of volcanic drill-cores; writing reports. Jul - Aug: 2011, 2012, 2013, 2015
Scouting consultant
The Faroese YMCA Scout Association (KFUM Skótarnir í Føroyum)
Secretary of the board, common office duties: Answering and forwarding mail, phone, paying bills, maintaining membership database etc. Developing materials for youth and childrens scouting programme. Planning and organising camps and courses on a regional level. Aug 2008 - Sep 2008, full time
Earlier employment
- Manual labour - burying cables, FT-net (Faroese Telecom), Jul - Aug 2008
- Clerk, Føroya Keypsamtøka (supermarked), spring 2006 - winter 2008
- Data entry, Hagstova Føroya (Statistics Faroe Islands), summer 2005 - 2006
- Workshop Assistant, Team-85 (Graphics design and marketing studio), spring 2005
- Manual labour, harbourside maintenance, P/F Beta (fishing company), summer 2004
PhD in Geochemistry1
University of Copenhagen; working title: PhD-stipend in non traditional isotope geochemistry; supervisor: Robert Frei | ongoing
MSc in Geology-Geoscience
University of Copenhagen; thesis: A geocronological, petrologial and geochemical investigation of the Paleoproterozoic Tasiilaq Intrusive Centre, South-East Greenland; supervisors: Paul Martin Holm (UCPH), Thomas Find Kokfelt (GEUS) | 2016
BSc in Geology-Geoscience
University of Copenhagen; thesis: A detailed study of a Fe-Ti oxide band in the Njords Glacier Intrusion, Skjoldungen Alkaline Province, SE Greenland; supervisors: Tod Earle Waight (UCPH), Thomas Find Kokfelt (GEUS) | 2013
Upper secondary school
Føroya Studentaskúli og HF-skeið, Department of Mathematics. | 2008
Teaching experience
Economic Geology
3rd year undergraduate/masters course planning and delivering lectures and practicals, 2017, 2018 & 2019.
Introduction to Igneous Petrology
1st year undergraduate course, teaching assistant, reading and evaluating weekly assignments, 2017.
Lithospheric geology and geochemistry
2nd year undergraduate course, teaching assistant, 2016.
Structural Geology
3rd year undergraduate course, teaching assistant, reading and evaluating weekly mandatory assignments, 2013, 2014, 2015.
Interrupted due to ilness. ↩︎